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CRED iQ Distress Rate Hits Record High for Third Straight Time: What Multifamily Investors Need to Know

The recent CRED iQ Distress Rate Report highlights a concerning trend as the distress rate has reached a third consecutive record high. In May, the distress rate increased by 14 basis points to 8.49%, with the special servicing rate at 8.09% and the delinquency rate at 5.8%. The spike in distress was particularly notable in the hotel sector, which saw an increase from 8.7% to 9.4% during the month, driven by notable defaults such as the Grand Wailea hotel's $510.5 million loan.

Retail sector reclaimed its leadership position in May, with the office segment experiencing a slight decrease. Industrial and self-storage segments continue to show stability with distress rates remaining below 1% for most of the last year. Multifamily segment, which saw a significant distress rate increase in April, saw a slight decrease in May.

Payment status analysis revealed that 24.4% of loans are current, while the largest distress category was Non-Performing Matured at 35%. CRED iQ's distress rate calculation takes into account delinquency rate, specially serviced rate, and factors in different loan metrics across various property types.

What Multifamily Investors Need to Know

What Multifamily Investors Need to Know

The CRED iQ Distress Rate Report, a widely recognized indicator in the commercial real estate industry, provides valuable insights into the overall health of the market. As a leading source for monitoring distress rates, CRED iQ evaluates payment statuses, special servicing status, and delinquency rates across various sectors to assess the financial stability of properties.

For professionals in the multifamily industry, the CRED iQ report serves as a crucial benchmark for understanding market trends and potential risks. By analyzing distress rates specific to multifamily properties, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the financial landscape, identify areas of vulnerability, and make informed decisions regarding investments and asset management strategies.

The detailed data provided by CRED iQ allows multifamily industry professionals to stay informed about emerging trends, anticipate market shifts, and proactively address potential challenges. With the ability to track distress rates, payment statuses, and special servicing activities, stakeholders in the multifamily sector can better navigate market fluctuations, mitigate risks, and optimize their property portfolios for long-term success.

By leveraging the comprehensive analysis and data-driven insights offered by CRED iQ, professionals in the multifamily industry can enhance their strategic decision-making processes, ensure financial resilience, and stay ahead of the curve in a dynamic and evolving real estate market.

What Multifamily Investors Need to Know


Why is the CRED iQ Distress Rate Report important for the commercial real estate industry?

The CRED iQ Distress Rate Report provides a comprehensive overview of distress rates, delinquency rates, and special servicing activities across various sectors within the commercial real estate market. This information is crucial for industry professionals to assess the financial health of properties, identify trends, and make well-informed investment decisions.

How does the CRED iQ report impact the multifamily industry?

For professionals in the multifamily industry, the CRED iQ report is particularly significant as it offers detailed insights into the distress rates specific to multifamily properties. By tracking distress rates and payment statuses, stakeholders can better understand potential risks, market dynamics, and areas of vulnerability, enabling them to develop effective asset management strategies and mitigate potential challenges.

What are the key indicators included in the CRED iQ Distress Rate Report?

The report evaluates distress rates, delinquency rates, and special servicing rates for various property types such as hotels, retail, office, industrial, self-storage, and multifamily. This comprehensive analysis offers a holistic view of the commercial real estate market, allowing industry professionals to assess market trends across different sectors.

How can industry professionals utilize the data provided by the CRED iQ report?

The data from the CRED iQ Distress Rate Report enables professionals in the commercial real estate industry to anticipate market shifts, identify potential risks, and optimize their property portfolios. By leveraging this information, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding investments, asset management, and strategic planning.

What distinguishes CRED iQ's distress rate calculation methodology?

CRED iQ's distress rate calculation aggregates delinquency rates and specially serviced rates, taking into account various loan metrics specific to different property types. This inclusive approach provides a comprehensive understanding of distress levels, enabling industry professionals to assess the financial viability of commercial real estate assets.

Multifamily Playbook

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—Justin Brennan

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